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Friday, February 27, 2009

In love with Amber

Amber Alexander's quirky animal portraits are just the type of art I adore - apron wearing squirrels, violin-playing cats, otters, octopi, the odd pterodactyl. Right up my alley.

I haven't visited her Etsy shop for a while and when I popped in today I saw that she's listed a whole range of prints I'd never seen before.

And I love them!

Here are three... four...make that five of my favourites:

Black Swan - Amber Alexander

My Baby - Amber Alexander

Eunice - Amber Alexander

Byron - Amber Alexander

Donald - Amber Alexander

Please visit her online shop and check out her wonderful, whimsical, quirky creations.

xxx scarlett

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are fabulous! I'm in love with Amber too