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Sunday, May 10, 2009

A bloody brilliant blog

I usually write about art here, but I had to recommend - to everyone - this blog by David Trott.

David Trott is the creative director of CST Advertising in the UK. So his blog is largely advertising related, but the 'lessons' are appropriate for any business - even art!

He writes insightful posts about creativity, ideas, business and life.

Most are told through stories like this:

They're not only interesting, but more often than not, useful. And motivational.

In fact, I frequently find myself printing them out and sticking them on my wall, or emailing them to friends.

Well worth a look.

xxx kate

1 comment:

Jessica Doyle said...

That is an awesome story and oh so true... I thrived in the places I could work in peace and quiet and didn't do so well in the ones with open concept.