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Friday, July 18, 2008

Short and sweet

Apparently a Medicare queue is a great place to start a new piece of art because I'm pretty happy with the way this is turning out:

The end.

xxx scarlett


shoppingally said...

i agree....very lovely!

magicbeanbuyer said...

Love the feather hairpiece!

Ashley said...

So so very beautiful, as always!

Anonymous said...

love it. you'll have to spend more time at the medicare centre :p

Kelly said...

Ahaha! That's multitasking for you!

I can't even draw unless I know I have the next few hours free!

I've been told I have to start a sketchbook and doodle morning, noon and night. Not sure how that will go given my routine, but we'll see!

Kate Lightfoot said...

Kel, that's amazing. I was sure you were already the sketch morning, noon and night type!

Do you finish your girls in one go? I tend to grab a few minutes here and there and switch around the pieces I'm working on. Then I'll lose one under some papers and find it a few months later. I pretend it's 'creative' (but it's probably just disorganised)!! :)

My Charlie Girl said...

ooo la la. Go medicare for drawing time hehehe. she is looking mighty fine. im loving the colours so far and i love the little tea cups she is holding. i love how you add in all the cute little things in your drawings xxx

Kelly said...

Haha not in the slightest! I get ideas and just start drawing til it's finished. If I don't I just forget all about it! It's really not that good a routine, but hey :)

I wish I was more sketchy and doodly, coz some of the better drawings I do are ones that take me an hour. So maybe if I had a sketchbook with me all the time I'd get alot more done!


Sylvia May said...


Joe's sketch books said...

Beautiful work - love those expressive eyes.

Bird Removal Parma said...

Great readd thank you