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Friday, March 07, 2008

My red hair

I've been desperate for red hair (and I do mean crimson) for a very long time. But I'm also aware that it will probably make me look like a beetroot.

So I've chickened out halfway and gone for a large red stripe. Like this:

Bet my mother hates it.


xxx scarlett


Allison said...

Oh, I think it's divine. Just the sort of thing to mix life up a bit.

High Desert Diva said...

Love the hair!

Callooh Callay said...

Mothers are supposed to hate it, aren't they? I think it looks great.

Simply Wired Custom Jewelry said...

Yay red hair! I think that looks awesome. I occasionally have to add a similar stripe of color; it's totally necessary sometimes!!

Anonymous said...

So cute!
Fun to dip your toes in before you commit.

Unknown said...

It's cute!

Anonymous said...

Ohh it suits you nice! My best friend had red streaks in her black hair before, as well as pink and then purple one time. I think any color would be great, but the red is a nice contrast, yet it blends nicely!

Kate Lightfoot said...

maejane, I really love the idea of pink. I've always said that when I go grey I'll dye it pink.

And old lady with pink hair (in pigtails) - yep, that's my goal in life.

xxx scarlett