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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Avant Card

Last year, I applied for Avant Card's Calling All Artists Project. Avant Card's is a company that distributes advertising postcards in Australia - you see them in all the hip cafes, bookstores and movie theatres.

The Calling All Artists Project essentially gives artists free advertising. Your work (and contact details) are put on the card and distributed around Australia. In turn, Avant Card is getting involved in the arts and promoting their service.

Anyway, in December, they let me know that 'Ella' had been accepted and they wanted to release her for Valentine's Day. And today they sent me my sample cards! Here's how they look.

If you're an Aussie artist, it's well worth applying for this. Just follow the links and give it a go.

xxx scarlett


Unknown said...

Hey that is such great news! Well done, I will have to collect some of them so I can get you to sign them for me!

Daydream Lily said...

wow, I love Avant cards, I collect them and put them up on my wall. I hope I can get my hands on this one! will it be out on the stands now?

My Charlie Girl said...

Thats awesome ScarlettCat!!! She looks so cute. Hope i see her around the streets :)

micawber said...

Congrats on your very own Avant card print! Sounds like a wonderful score! Too bad we can't get them here in Canada. :(


Bridget Farmer said...

hi there, it was great to meet you too at the meet up! I saw one of your cards the other day on gertrude street. well done!

Anonymous said...

This is how I discovered your awesome art! My friend had one & wouldn't part with it. :(