To be honest I'm in two minds about making this post.
It's kind of out of character for me (and perhaps a little mean-spirited). But it's been one of those days and I've had too much wine and to hell with politeness and all that.
There's an artist on Etsy who's certainly copied my style and, in a few instances, has pretty much element-for-element copied my art.
Technically I don't believe she's breaching copyright. My understanding of copyright law is that she'd have to be actually reproducing my images. And she's not. So let's get that clear.
But she's certainly 'copying' the art (below mine are on the left, hers are on the right).
And quite frankly it's pissing me off tonight.

I called her on these two some months ago and she said she must have seen them and 'accidentally' copied them. (Sure, if you have a photographic memory.) She took them down quick smart, so I'm guessing she knew exactly what she was doing.
Anyway, I popped over to her shop tonight and noticed this one which takes the pose from 'Lydia'.

And it just annoyed me.
It's not copyright breach
But these are far too close for my liking. Particularly when she also has the nerve to copy my copyright statement:
(c) kate lightfoot 2009
This artwork is protected by copyright which does not transfer with sale. In plain English - while you're buying a piece of artwork, you're not buying the right to copy, print or reproduce it in any way. xxx kate
(c) mikacoach 2011
This artwork is protected by copyright which does not transfer with sale. In plain English - while you're buying a piece of artwork, you're not buying the right to copy, print or reproduce it in any way. mikacoach
Anyway, i just felt like being a crochety old woman. They're MY girls - even though I'm not drawing them these days - so don't mess with them.
*pokes tongue out*
Rant over.