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Saturday, August 23, 2008


I'm still getting used to the idea that people like my work enough to pay actual money for it!

So it blows me away when someone does this:

When one of my customer's bought a few ACEOs she asked whether she could use my 'Snake Charmer' artwork (below) as a tattoo. I said yes. I think she probably said 'ouch'!

Thanks for the pic, Amber!

xxx scarlett


Tia Colleen said...

Wow thats amazing! It turned out gorgeous. What an honor that must be...

CSD Faux Finishing said...

Fantastic! Congratulations on having your work showcased so permanently :)

April said...

great tattoo! even better artwork!!!

Crafty Mama said...

Wow! What an honor!

Cassandra said...

Haha, I know the feeling. This is one of the most flattering things someone can do.

Unknown said...

now that's pretty cool. great design, too.

jessicajane said...

that is so awesome and looks like you tattooesd it right on her arm! thats just amazing.

Kelly said...

Hello this is reaching Audrey Kawasaki territory! :P

SavageBabble said...

Wow, that really is a compliment!!
It looks great!

Niki Jackson said...

Wow that looks so awesome!

My Charlie Girl said...

Holy cow, wow !!! This is really cool, how special :)

They did quite a good job of it too :)

PS: maggie's birday is soon, i need to give you money. can you invoice me from paypal?

Unknown said...

wow! that's incredible! congrats! :)

UniqueNurseGranny said...

Wow what a compliment and well deserved at that..

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that's amazing. It was so kind of her to ask before she got it done too.

Anonymous said...

Wowza. What great work by the tattoo artist as well!

Sabbio said...

It's been a while since I last came here... last time I came I bought two ACEOs... your girls are really happy there in France ;D

You created lots of new and wonderfuls miss... bravo!

tracychong said...

Wow! Congrats! It looks really great.

Gray Eyed Scorpio said...

Just plain wow! How flattering.

@wesome@bby said...

wowza. she is the one that stood out to me when i was looking through your etsy stuff earlier today, so i'm not at all surprised to see this!