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Monday, August 11, 2008

Bunny shoes

I designed some custom shoes for myself this weekend:

It seems that Keds have teamed up with Zazzle to make Keds Studio where you can upload photos and images to custom design a pair of Keds. It's great fun! In fact, I suspect I'll be making some more if these ones turn out OK.

I'm hoping mine will look like they do above when they arrive on my doorstep, but there's no way of knowing until that happens.

So I'm crossing my fingers for my feet.

I'll let you know what happens when they turn up!

xxx scarlett


Honor said...

These are rad! I'm going to try some. Thanks for sharing.

DIANE said...

god they are so cute, fingers crossed the real life ones are too!

My Charlie Girl said...

OMG! This is really cool. It will be really nice to have a pair of custom shoes. I bet you get lots of lovely comments, and orders too!!!


BeckyKay said...

Wow! Those are so cool!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god! I'm so going to get some!!!!

steppie said...

Wow! They look so good! Update us with the final product :)

I'm going to add you to my blog list (I found you on the forums on Etsy)... come spread the love!

Anonymous said...

*squeak* Goodness these came out great!!!

ThreadBeaur said...

That is so fun! I am going to get some of those!

gentryart said...

OH My God, those shoes are so cute!
I showed them to my daughter and she gave her 13 y/o stamp of approval. (she's a picky fashion "expert")
I love your artwork--it's the first in that style that I really admire. So different from my own. Keep up the good work!

7seventeengallery said...

omg that's amazzzziiiing. I would love to try this!!!!

tracychong said...

My goodness, they are so cool!

SavageBabble said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SavageBabble said...

oops, try again doofus me

I recently saw that you could make thes, and I am looking forward to reading what you think of them. They are supercute.

Unknown said...

Oh its so cute! That is great. You should do more of those..