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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cat Burglar

I sat down to sketch this afternoon and decided to add a mask to one of my girls.

I think it was inspired partly from a long-term obsession with Enid from Ghostworld (Thora Birch looked so cute in that batman mask!)...

Anyway, I would up with a little cat burgling girl...burgling a cat.

I'll be offering ACEO prints of Cat Burglar in my Etsy shop, but the original is on hold at the moment. She may wind up being Bill's first piece. He's started his new job and is keen to put some of my girls on his desk.

xxx scarlett


Sew Bettie said...

I love it! She looks very sneaky...

BeckyKay said...

Oooh! I love this one very much!

Sylvia May said...

She is so cute!

Paola Zakimi said...

Hello Scarlett, i love this one,

Kelly said...

So cute. She actually looks a little like Thora Birch! Haha.
Is this for the pussy portraits show?
I haven't started mine yet! I don't even know if the girls are expecting it. I might get a crack on today!