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Thursday, February 21, 2008

A pirate lassie

Just finished a new girl - slightly piratey.

I love the bird!

xxx scarlett

PS. This just in...Bill reckons it looks like the bird is *ahem* relieving itself.

Anyone else think this? Maybe I should darken those tail feathers.



Ali J said...

ha ha ha! I laughed so hard at that last comment.. sorry! :) Now that you've pointed it out... yes, I'm afraid the bird does look like it had a bit of a scare. Maybe if you change the feathers so they flare out a little instead of gathering into a droplet it may stop that assumption being made? Still it's hilarious. xox

I'm loving the new work!!

BeckyKay said...

This is gorgeous. I didn't notice the bird's, ahem, problem until you mentioned it, but I think Bill is a bit right...

DIANE said...

Now that you've said it....

Kate Lightfoot said...


I've just drawn a bird with a gastrointestinal disorder.

Thanks for the tip, Ali. I think I know what I'll be doing tonight!

xxx scarlett

Unknown said...

lovely illustrations. so much character and personality.

Allison said...

I didn't think of it until you said it & now it's ALL I can see. Arrrr. Maybe some peacock fancy-pants! ;]

glasfaden said...

Hmm, yes - but just because you've mentioned it *lol* But it's a beautiful illustration! Love the eye expressions of them both!