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Friday, February 08, 2008

A new idea for ACEOs

To be honest, I only heard about ACEOs last year, so I'm still learning about all the different ways people use them.

So I was utterly thrilled when a gorgeous customer sent me photos of the ACEOs she bought from me...Green Dearie, Lucy, Scarlett Cat and Little Red...decorating her Blythe doll house!

This is such a lovely way to use ACEOs - and one I'd never considered.

Thanks Pipercat!

xxx scarlett


Ali J said...

Oh my.... oh my... this is SO unbelievably cute!! This makes me want to create more ACEO's. I have so much trouble with working in such a small format, but the scene is just gorgeous!

I want a Blythe dollhouse!! xox

Daydream Lily said...

very cute !!!

TUTU Monkey said...

So CUTE!!!!!

BeckyKay said...

How clever! Those look great and what a great buyer to send you photos!